Facebook Canvas: What It Is & Why It’s Worth Your Time

Facebook Canvas: What It Is & Why It’s Worth Your Time

Do you notice that there are some unique kinds of posts on Facebook, sometimes the combination of video, text and images? My friend, these are a canvas used to spread the business message uniquely and hit the targeted audience.

Canvas advertisement are new invention to us convey our thoughts other than using simple text and images. Just imagine you have the authority to make a customized post; definitely, you love to add your branding colors and valuable messages to compose the ideal post; the same thing happens with Facebook canvas.

Interestingly, the given conversation is all about the Facebook canvas, what is a Facebook canvas & Why It’s Worth Your Time? Let’s start knows about hidden surprises with VirtueNetz.

Why to Prefer Facebook Canvas Ads?

Facebook canvas ads are a kind of advertisement that is mostly preferred for mobile users. Your desktop users can’t enjoy your canvas ads. But according to Facebook, more than half of the audience comes from smartphones. Canvas is a type of attention-seeker ad created with immersion and interactivity.

The question is, how the Facebook canvas is giving excellent results for business growth and sales? Canvas is a very new addition to the Facebook advertisement. When you attach required content and attach rates images and apply SEO strategies, this combination becomes a mini-landing page and has a high impact on your interested people.

Still, according to the assumption, it’s a very healthy activity to beat the market and an easy way to make customized ads. A healthy activity: You can start working on Facebook canvas and paste your thoughts; you can even save your incomplete canvas and continue when you want. A good exercise for complex content creation.

How to Use Facebook Canvas?


To start work on canvas, you have to go into the pages publishing tool, select a canvas option and hit the new button to start your career.

Canvas is a very user-friendly tool; it offers some examples to make the correct canvas for you. Canvas knows your time’s worth, and that is why some easy tips are arranged for your convenience.

Step1: Set your Title

You have to set the canvas title at the first step and set it anywhere on the canvas. The title is used inside the canvas. You can even make many canvases with the same title as per your requirements.

Step 2: Create a Theme

For the setting theme, you can choose different colors according to your brand nature. Moreover, you can even take the valuable guidelines to set the best theme for an attractive Canvas.

Step 3: Selection of Elements

When you come to make Facebook canvas, you can find different functional elements like:

  • Button
  • Header
  • Video
  • Content
  • Image
  • Carousel

Top Secrets to Viral Your Canvas

  • The realistic view of the canvas is also shown on your screen. You can pick the elements and start pasting them on the canvas. On the other hand, you can even modify your canvas; if you are working on the button, you can change the color, shape, position and composition.

    As you set the different elements on your canvas, you can easily reorder them with a simple drag-and-drop option.
  • The most crucial element that one should keep in mind is that whether you are using images or carousel picture, there are distinctive requirements in Canvas.

    In other words, Facebook canvas never provides ideal pixels, so you should carefully check that to paste an image in a specific place on the canvas. And how your image becomes more presentable for your business ads.
  • When you complete your Facebook canvas ad, now come and hit the save button and go for preview before publishing. You can even use this canvas for Facebook campaigns.

    Don’t be worry; you can edit your canvas anytime that available in your draft section.

Tips to Promote Canvas Post


What is a canvas on Facebook? Interestingly Facebook is providing a power editor and Ad’s manager to spread your canvas. Ensure that you should create a related canvas to meet your targets and run objective ads for canvas promotion.

Do you know what makes your canvas more powerful? Simply when you use your canvas as a Facebook post rather than adopting only an advertisement strategy. Choose any crafted or new canvas and post it on your Facebook page; as a result, you can quickly alarm your audience a bit about your new arrival or any announcement.

After publishing canvas, you can quickly check the analytics like click rate, how much people look at your entire canvas, focused part of canvas by viewers, viewers spending time and many more.

Is your Audience Accept the Canvas Ads?

If you know your audience, you already have a charming relation then it’s pretty easy to spread your ads. But if you are building your audience, you have to spend some affords for promotions and, interestingly, canvas playing a worthy role to gain a targeted audience.

Interesting Factor: When someone clicks on the ads in their news feed, they cover their full screen and act like a mini-website managed by Facebook. As an owner, you can imagine how canvas ads are impactful to display your message in front of your people.

You have a wide range of space in one canvas; luckily, you can even show your new arrival to alarm your audience. Different canvas formats are available to add specific content like videos, images and text and many more immersive ways.

Can Canvas Work for Your Brand?


According to research, many well-reputed brands are adopting the canvas ads approach, gaining a high return. But as we all know that it’s a little bit time-consuming to get viral; with fair results examination, we can level up our ROI with highly engaging ads.

How Brands are Gaining Ideal Return by Facebook Canvas?

Brands are adding some rich stories telling technique and force their audience toward action. At the initial stage, the canvas is a highly recommended tool to aware of your brands and tell your audience what you are offering and how you care about your customers. Try to be a desire of your audience and play an entertaining role to grab your fans.

  • One of the admirable canvas acts is on the spot direct response, and you can even get your audience’s feedback. Moreover, you can choose any format to elaborate your industry insiders.
  • Sometimes you can feel that why you are not getting high feedback like other brands, this confusion is marketing. Highly work on brand awareness and keep aside a specific budget to be trustworthy goodwill.

    Keep in your mind that canvas a perfect way to through a long-lasting effect on your audience.
  • If you want to alarm your audience about your products, services and discounts, try to use canvas because you can use plenty of space to showcase your ideas.

How Canvas Hide Your Website Issues?

If you have a poorly designed website with slow speed and you cannot quickly update your web reputation, the canvas is the best option for you. Because fast canvas loads on the user screen, as you know, Facebook is keeping an eye on all the responsive and speed issues.

On the other hand, if you have no mobile-friendly website and the audience demands you want to engage mobile users, my friend canvas will be your helping hand. Canvas is specially designed for mobile users and intelligently participates in levelling up your web reputation and revenue.

Guidelines to Take More Canvas Advantage Within Minimum Budget

✔ Try to manage your message in a small place, use the intelligent combinations of video, text and images and focus on the elaboration. Overall, it’s a very healthy tip to minimize the price.

✔ Avail the advantage of canvas “Tilt to pan” (this functionality allows you to tilt your mobile screen and enjoy the broad image). As a result, your viewers can closely observe your products and got a clear idea of your ads.

✔ The storytelling method is one of the best approaches for an ideal canvas. Try to choose those canvas formats that highlight your message and wisely pick the desperate wording like news headlines. To alarm your audience, you can even add emotion to your content and deeply explore the audience’s pain point.

✔ Most of the canvas formats allow you to enjoy many features like, if you are trying to prepare ads for an eCommerce store, you can easily fit your products with attention seeker description in your canvas. To solve the confusing lines, the featured formats of the canvas are helpful for quick understating.

Now I think you know all the tactics for tilt your Facebook canvas according to your requirements and how you can level up your engagement level. As you can see, the above discussion explores many features according to different natures of website.

Keep all the advices and tips in your mind while creating your content and managing it in the canvas. You can see your competitors that are gaining a lot of revenue by availing attention seeker canvas features. Yes, you can also multiply your web reputation and revenue as well – follow the super-easy tips and rock the market trends.