10 Website Design Problems That Will Ruin Your 2024

10 Website Design Problems That Will Ruin Your 2024

Today’s conversation is all about website design problems and their solutions. In today’s digital age, websites are crucial for any business and organization. As per the stats,25k websites are created every day, with 200+ million active websites right now. It shows how competitive this digital market is. Distinguishing your website between them is challenging and a small mistake can destroy your vision and mission. There are several things to think about when planning a website design. There are numerous considerations, ranging from the general appearance and feel of the site to the user experience and functionality. An owner should make wise decisions before selecting the best web designer for well-reputed design.  

Design functionality comprises website speed, navigation, animation, user experience, user interaction, overall site’s tech architecture, SEO, cross-browser, cross-platform, cross-device design consistency, and responsiveness. Enjoy free consultancy from a top web design company to discuss Website Design Problems and grow your business online.

Save Your Business Before Big Boss – Solve Website Design Problems

  • Poorly Configured Navigation Layout:

Skipping the essential steps of brainstorming, sitemap, and wireframing is the basis of several common web design mistakes. A poorly configured navigation layout can significantly impact the user experience of a website, ultimately leading to negative consequences for your business. Here’s how:

  •  Difficulty in Finding Information
  • Decreased User Engagement
  • Negative Brand Perception
  • Impact on SEO
  • High Bounce rate
  • Bad Search – One of The Big Website Design Problems

When website navigation cannot give the expected result to the users, the search could be a savior issue, and it’s one of the biggest website design problems. Those website searches that can’t handle typos, plural, hyphens, or other variant query terms give unsatisfactory user experience. If users cannot find what they are looking for, they may get frustrated and abandon the website. This can result in a high bounce rate, which is bad for the website’s overall performance on Google ranking. 

When ranking search results, search engines consider the quality of a website’s search function might harm its search engine ranking, resulting in a loss of traffic and visibility. When users cannot find the services or products, the business suffers from conversions (sales and leads). This means that potential sales and money will be lost, which is bad for business.   

  • Not Prioritizing Accessibility

According to one report published by WHO, around 1.6 billion people live with special abilities, which is 16% of the world population. However, most designers overlook this aspect while designing websites and user journeys.If you are ignoring those people you can miss a major part of target audience. 

Text size, color contrasts, page titles, images alternate text, keyboard accessibility, moving and blinking contents like carousel ads, auto-playing videos, scrolling news feeds, and tickers are crucial components of a website from the accessibility point of view.

  • Not-Responsive Web Design

Not-responsive web design refers to websites that are not optimized to adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Here are some consequences of having a non-responsive web design:

  • Poor user experience
  • Decrease mobile traffic
  • Negative SEO impact
  • Loss of potential customers
  • Inconsistency across devices
  • Limited accessibility
  • Not Following a design Thinking approach

One of the most common website design problemsthat most designers make is not realizing the importance of design thinking and drawing the layout on paper. Designers often tend to assume things about users rather than do extensive “user research” to understand user needs The design thinking approach is a process that understands and identifies customer needs and motivations. Understanding the design thinking approach is the key to designing addictive user experiences. 

Through the use of design thinking, designers can establish objectives and scope of work, develop corporate features, and comprehend user needs. It highlights how important it is to test ideas and make adjustments in response to user input.. Remember if you don’t understand your customers, you won’t be able to design a good website for them. so be professional and do user research to understand what your customers care about.

  • Not Prioritizing Grid and Columns

Designers may create a smooth user experience by applying CSS tricks and methods, which effortlessly divide and arrange content using rows and columns. Media query limits are not required when using grid template areas, but when using grid template columns, min-max, and autofit CSS attributes. One of the common website design problems with CSS Grid is that designers generally conflate CSS numbers. We often count 12 columns in a row when designing for CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, but with the grid system, we calculate lines or stacks. Going from line 1 to line 7 in the grid system is equivalent to traversing 6 columns.

  • Content Overloaded Website Design Problems

A content-overloaded website design problems refers to a webpage that contains excessive amounts of text, images, videos, or other multimedia elements, making it overwhelming and difficult for users to digest.Content-overloaded webpages can provide a poor user experience, particularly if users feel overwhelmed or unable to find the information they need. Users may be more likely to leave a content-overloaded webpage without engaging further or exploring other pages on the website.

Excessive content can slow down the loading time of the webpage, particularly on slower internet connections or less powerful devices. Dense blocks of text or crowded layouts can decrease the readability of the content, making it harder for users to understand and absorb the information. Search engines may penalize content-overloaded webpages, particularly if the excessive content is seen as low-quality or irrelevant.

  • Poorly designed or Unoptimized Images

Poorly designed or unoptimized images on a website can have several negative consequences, impacting user experience, website performance, and search engine rankings. Unoptimized images can significantly increase the time it takes for a webpage to load, especially on slower internet connections or mobile devices with limited bandwidth. Large, unoptimized images can disrupt the user experience by causing pages to load slowly or by forcing users to scroll excessively to view content. Unoptimized images consume more bandwidth than necessary, especially 

When users are viewing the website on mobile devices with limited data plans. Search engines take into account page load speed when determining search rankings. Large images that are not properly optimized can pose accessibility challenges for users with disabilities. Unoptimized images consume more server resources, as servers must process and deliver large image files to users’ browsers. Large, unoptimized images consume more storage space on web servers, which can increase hosting costs, especially for websites with a large number of images.

  • Ignoring Custom 404 Pages Website Design Problems

Ignoring custom 404 pages website design problems can lead to a frustrating user experience, as visitors encountering broken links or missing content are left with generic error messages that offer no guidance or redirection. Custom 404 pages provide an opportunity to engage users, offer helpful navigation options, and maintain brand consistency by providing a seamless experience even when encountering errors. Failure to implement custom 404 pages not only diminishes user satisfaction but also misses an opportunity to retain visitors and potentially salvage lost traffic.

  • Multimedia Website Design Problems

 Multimedia website design problems can significantly hinder user engagement and detract from the overall effectiveness of a website. Common errors include overuse or misuse of multimedia elements such as videos, animations, or audio files, which can lead to slow page load times, distraction, and accessibility issues for users. Additionally, failing to optimize multimedia content for different devices and screen sizes can result in poor user experience and compatibility issues. Effective multimedia web design requires careful consideration of usability, performance, and accessibility to ensure that multimedia elements enhance rather than detract from the user experience.